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Cornelia Golf Club Trainers

Uğur DİNLER-  Academy Director Head Professional

He began caddying at Istanbul Golf Club and started playing golf in 1992 at theage of 12. In a short period of time he progressed into the top amateur player in Turkey. He was the Turkish Amateur Champion in 1998-99.

 He was also a member of the Turkish Amateur Team from 1998 – 2000. With 20 Amateur titles to his name, the natural progression was to turn professional in 2001.

He moved from Istanbul to Belek. Since being in the area he has taught at the Gloria Golf Club, the National Golf Club and also for Millenium Golf in Antalya.

In 2006 he has been an integral member of the Cornelia Golf Club team that have made itthe great facility that it is today. Between 2006 and 2024, when golf academy at CorneliaGolf Club was affiliated with world famous Leadbetter Golf Academy, Uğur accomplished following golf certification programs with LGA.

He became a certified Leadbetter Instructor in 2013 and Senior Leadbetter Instructor in2017. He completed Leadbetter Elite Seminar and Leadbetter Kids Certification in 2018.

Uğur can teach fluent in Turkish and English, and basic in German and Russian.

Ertuğrul Gazi GÖZEGÜ – Teaching Professional

Ertuğrul began to play golf at National Golf Club when he was 9 years old. With his
special ability to the game, in short period of time, he became one of the best junior golfers in Turkey. In 2016, he qualified for playing in National Team.

In 2018, he proved his talent in golf by winning TGF Turkey Junior Championship
in U 18 category.

Following this success, he got the invitation to play in Duke of York Young Champions
Trophy in Scotland as National Team player.

Ertuğrul won more than 30 titles in local tournaments.and became a Professional golfer in 2020.

He started to work as assistant coach at Kaya Palazzo Golf Club in Belek where he worked there with former European Tour player Jon Bevan. As Ertuğrul says, this was a great opportunity to work 18 months with such a great coach to learn coaching skills for every type of golfers.

Ertuğrul graduated from Faculty of Sport Sciences at Akdeniz University and he got
Level 3 Coaching Certificate and joined the Cornelia Golf Academy in 2023 as Teaching Professional. He is fluent in Turkish and English.


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Belek Antalya - Turkey

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